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Let me introduce myself

Hello, my name is Adam Conybear and I am a Software Engineer. I graduated from the University of Florida in December 2022 with a BS in Computer Science. Learning about, contributing to, and creating new technologies are a few things that make Software Engineering so special in my opinion. Originating from a canceled internship, I created this portfolio website to showcase some passion projects I create along the way.


Currently, working full time as a mobile software engineer in New York. If you are interested in obtaining further information, please feel free to contact me at one of the links below.


In my free time, I enjoy running, rock climbing, reading fantasy/sci-fi books, playing soccer, and taking pictures around New York City


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Kotlin
  • Python
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • AWS
View Resume


My work experiences and leadership

Software Engineer

February 2023 - Present

Software Engineer

February 2023 - Present

Capital One
Currently contributing to Capital One mobile android app to allow customers to dispute credit card transactions. Worked in a full stack role primarily based in React.js and Golang to develop critical API's that help drive Capital One's customer acquisition efforts

Software Engineering Intern

June 2022 - August 2022

Software Engineering Intern

June 2022 - August 2022

Capital One
Facilitated seamless onboarding of agents via automating the modification of a 12,000+ line JSON file. Researched and integrated 10+ GitHub REST APIs into a Vue web app to make changes on behalf of an agent. Volunteered in Coders program by teaching web design concepts to students in local communities, totaled over 25 hours.

Web and App Developer

September 2020 - May 2022

Web and App Developer

September 2020 - May 2022

Coordinated collaboration between Creative and Operations teams to make coherent design changes to TEDxUF official website seen by over 500 users. Spearheaded mobile app for main conference event that contains a friendly and highly informative user interface.

Software Engineering Intern

June 2021 - August 2021

Software Engineering Intern

June 2021 - August 2021

JPMorgan Chase
Collaborated closely with product and design teams to create external facing portal to easily access Chase for Business Micro UIs which has plans to be used by over 10,000 Small Merchant Businesses (SMB’s). Developed and implemented 3 micro frontends using React and Spring Boot for customer payment transactions. Automated the validation of merchant sale form, consisting of 7 custom inputs and embedded iframe, using payment services API.

Outreach Chair

April 2019 - December 2020

Outreach Chair

April 2019 - December 2020

Association of Computer Engineers
Scheduled and led community outreach events for a club with a reach of 1000+ members. Arranged for ACE’s involvement in Engineer’s Week 2020 by presenting for elementary, middle and high school students.


Some things I've worked on

Shelf Talk

NextJs · Dexie.js

A chatbot website that lets you have spoiler-free conversations with books by tracking your reading progress


Shelf Talk

A chatbot website that lets you have spoiler-free conversations with books by tracking your reading progress

Next.js · Dexie.js


Battle of the Beats

React · Socket.io

Browser-based multiplayer music creation game with real-time data sharing amongst users over a peer-to-peer network


Battle of the Beats

Browser-based multiplayer music creation game with real-time data sharing amongst users over a peer-to-peer network

React · Socket.io


Gator Rater

MERN stack

Responsive fullstack web application that helps UF students determine how stressful their classes will be


Gator Rater

Responsive fullstack web application that helps UF students determine how stressful their classes will be

MERN stack


Trello Clone for Students

React · Redux

Recreated Trello to optimize students' organization through ical files, date selectors, and more


Trello Clone for Students

Recreated Trello to optimize students' organization through ical files, date selectors, and more

React · Redux


Soccer Visualizer

C++ · SFML

Visualizes specific sequences from a soccer game by reading in over 150,000 data elements


Soccer Visualizer

Visualizes specific sequences from a soccer game by reading in over 150,000 data elements

C++ · SFML



JS · ReactNative

Peer-to-Peer matching app to talk about mental illness in a safe space



Peer-to-Peer matching app to talk about mental illness in a safe space

JS · ReactNative


Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

JS · P5

Visually allows beginners to grasp concepts of multiple sorting algorithms


Sorting Algorithm Visualizer

Visually allows beginners to grasp concepts of multiple sorting algorithms

JS · P5


World Memory Championship

JS · ReactNative

Mobile app that allows competitors in WMC to train anywhere and anytime


World Memory Championship

Mobile app that allows competitors in WMC to train anywhere and anytime

JS · ReactNative